Cambodia and China Strengthen Ties to Boost Cassava Exports

In a move to enhance Cambodia’s cassava exports to China, the Union of Safe Vegetable Communities of Cambodia and Global Ecological Rice (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. have signed a significant memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU signing ceremony took place on March 11, 2023, in Phnom Penh, and was presided over by Pak Samay Soniti, the […]

Boosting Cassava Farming in Bangladesh: A Recipe for Success

Habiganj, Bangladesh – Cassava, a valuable cash crop with vast potential, is transforming the agricultural landscape of Bangladesh, thanks to a partnership between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and PRAN-RFL, a leading food company. This collaboration has not only expanded contract farming but also positioned cassava as an attractive crop, propelling the growth of the […]

Cassava Cultivation Thrives in Hilly Regions, Boosting Economy and Nutrition

Cassava, known as shimul alu in Bangladesh, is gaining popularity as a root vegetable globally due to its rich nutritional content, including healthy carbohydrates and vitamin C. Additionally, it serves as a source of resistant starch, essential for various food processing and garment industries. Recognizing its potential, farmers in Sylhet are now embracing commercial cassava […]

Exploring the Potential of Cassava in South Africa: A Path to Agricultural Development

Cassava, a valuable crop for both subsistence and commercial purposes, remains largely untapped in South Africa. Despite its significance in many African countries, cassava cultivation in South Africa is limited to small-scale farms and fragmented areas, operating under low-input farming systems. However, cassava farming is gaining traction due to its diverse range of products and […]

Unlocking the Potential of Cassava in South Africa: A Pathway to Economic Growth

Cassava, a versatile root tuber also known as tapioca, mandioca, yuca, or umdumbulu, has a rich history in South America and Africa. This drought-tolerant crop thrives in poor soil conditions and requires minimal fertilizer, making it an attractive option for farmers. With its transformation from a subsistence crop to a valuable industrial commodity, cassava is […]

South Africa’s Cassava Project: A Promising Venture for Large-Scale Production

The African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI) is set to play a crucial role in kick-starting large-scale cassava production in South Africa, aiming to harness the immense potential of this root crop. While cassava is not widely cultivated or consumed in the country, it holds significant importance as Africa’s primary root crop, particularly during the […]

Shine Bridge Global: Revolutionizing the Cassava Industry and Expanding to Global Markets

Shine Bridge Global, a US-based food science and agribusiness company founded in 2018 by Dr. Tony Bello, a native of Nigeria, is making waves in the cassava market. The company specializes in producing food products made from cassava sourced in Nigeria, with a vision to capture a significant share of the global market. Cassava, a […]

Nigeria’s Cassava Industry: Untapped Potential in the Global Market

Cassava, a vital staple crop in Nigeria, holds enormous potential as a global commodity. Despite Nigeria being the largest cassava producer worldwide, accounting for 26% of global production, the country has yet to fully capitalize on the global market for cassava and its derivatives. Historical Background Nigeria, primarily reliant on crude oil revenue, has faced […]

Mozambique’s Successful Cassava Project Recognized by UN, Boosting Crop Production

Maputo, Mozambique – A project in Mozambique that significantly increased cassava production by 36 percent and improved food security has been highlighted as a success story in a recent report released by the United Nations (UN). The report, titled “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022: Repurposing Food and Agricultural Policies […]

Madagascar Aims to Double Cassava Harvest to 7 Million Tons by 2027

Antananarivo, Madagascar – The Madagascan authorities have set an ambitious target to increase cassava production to 7 million tons by 2027, more than double the output achieved in 2022, according to Agence Ecofin. To achieve this objective, the government plans to enhance yield per hectare to nearly 14 tons through the promotion of appropriate farming […]