Shine Bridge Global: Revolutionizing the Cassava Industry and Expanding to Global Markets

Shine Bridge Global, a US-based food science and agribusiness company founded in 2018 by Dr. Tony Bello, a native of Nigeria, is making waves in the cassava market. The company specializes in producing food products made from cassava sourced in Nigeria, with a vision to capture a significant share of the global market. Cassava, a […]

Nigeria’s Cassava Industry: Untapped Potential in the Global Market

Cassava, a vital staple crop in Nigeria, holds enormous potential as a global commodity. Despite Nigeria being the largest cassava producer worldwide, accounting for 26% of global production, the country has yet to fully capitalize on the global market for cassava and its derivatives. Historical Background Nigeria, primarily reliant on crude oil revenue, has faced […]

Nigeria’s Tapioca Starch Trade: Export Growth and Import Dynamics

Nigeria, a prominent player in the global agricultural sector, actively participates in the trade of tapioca starch. In 2021, Nigeria exported $102k worth of tapioca starch, securing its position as the 43rd largest exporter of this product worldwide. Although tapioca starch ranked as the 594th most exported product in Nigeria during that year, the country’s […]