Exploring Physical Modifications in Starch Processing

In the dynamic world of starch processing, researchers have uncovered a realm of possibilities by manipulating temperature, pressure, humidity, and shear forces, as highlighted by the groundbreaking work of Eliasson and Gudmundsson (1996) and Bao et al. (2003). Physical Transformation Without Chemicals Unlike chemical modifications, physical alterations to starch involve changing its molecular structure without […]

Starch-Based Materials by Using Chemical Modified Starches

Starch, a ubiquitous and abundant natural polymer, serves as a promising candidate for packaging materials. However, the inherent challenges associated with its structural changes over time have spurred innovative approaches to tailor its properties. Chemical modifications, achieved through diverse methodologies, emerge as a transformative avenue to harness the full potential of starch in the realm […]

Resistant Starch: Properties, Production, and Applications

Resistant starch is a type of starch that resists digestion in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact. It is found in various foods such as grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, and can also be produced through food processing. Resistant starch has been associated with various health benefits, including improved glycemic control, increased […]

Cationic Starch: Properties, Production, and Applications

Cationic starch is a modified starch that has been chemically treated to give it a positive charge. This modification process, known as cationization, involves adding cationic (positively charged) groups to the starch molecules. The resulting cationic starch has improved properties and functionality, such as increased water absorption, binding capacity, and stability. Cationic starch is commonly […]

Pregelatinized Starch: Properties, Production, and Applications

Pregelatinized starch is a modified form of starch that has undergone a thermal and mechanical process to rupture and gelatinize the starch granules, resulting in a product with cold-water solubility and thickening properties. This modified starch is commonly used in various industries, such as food, pharmaceutical, paper, and textiles, for its ease of use and […]

The Manufacturing Process of Modified Starches

Starch used for making modified starches comes from potatoes, cereals (like corn or maize), or other sources like tapioca. Manufacturers use various processes to modify the starch chemically, but the overall process is the same: the native starch is treated with chemicals and processing aids, washed, dried, ground, sieved, and packaged. Percentages mentioned in the […]

Identity of Modified Starches

According to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008, “modified starches” are edible starches that have been chemically, physically, or enzymatically treated, including acid or alkali treatment, bleaching, or thinning. Some types of modified starches, like white or yellow dextrin, roasted or dextrinated starch, and physically modified starch are not considered food additives. However, JECFA considers other types, […]

Acetylated Oxidized Starch (E/INS 1451): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Acetylated oxidized starch is a modified starch. It is obtained by treatment of food starch […]

Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate (E/INS 1450): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Starch sodium octenyl succinate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification of food […]

Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate (E/INS 1442): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate is a modified starch. It is obtained in accordance with good manufacturing […]

Hydroxypropyl Starch (E/INS 1440): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Hydroxypropyl starch is a modified starch. It is obtained by etherification of food starch with […]

Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E/INS 1422): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Acetylated distarch adipate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification of food starch […]

Starch Acetate (E/INS 1420): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Starch acetate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification of food starches with […]

Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E/INS 1414): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Acetylated distarch phosphate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification/cross-linking of food starch […]

Phosphated Distarch Phosphate (E/INS 1413): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Phosphated distarch phosphate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification/cross-linking of food starch […]

Distarch Phosphate (E/INS 1412): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Distarch phosphate (INS 1412) is obtained by cross-linking starch using sodium trimetaphosphate or phosphorus oxychloride. This process causes […]

Monostarch Phosphate (E/INS 1410): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Monostarch phosphate is a modified starch. It is obtained by esterification of food starch with […]

Enzyme-treated Starch (INS 1405): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Enzyme-treated starch is a modified starch. It is obtained by treatment in accordance with good […]

Oxidized Starch (E/INS 1404): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a carbohydrate polymer consisting of a large number of glucose units linked together primarily by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. The starch polymers come in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched through alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds (amylopectin), with each glucose unit possessing a maximum of three hydroxyls that can undergo chemical substitution. Oxidized starch […]

Bleached Starch (INS 1403): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a carbohydrate polymer consisting of a large number of glucose units linked together primarily by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. The starch polymers come in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched through alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds (amylopectin), with each glucose unit possessing a maximum of three hydroxyls that can undergo chemical substitution. Bleached starch […]

Alkaline Treated Starch (INS 1402): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a polysaccharide consisting of glucose units linked together primarily by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. Starch polymers come in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched through alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds (amylopectin). Each glucose unit has a maximum of three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical substitution. Alkaline-treated starch is a modified starch that is […]

Acid-treated Starch (INS 1401): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a carbohydrate polymer consisting of a large number of glucose units linked together primarily by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. The starch polymers come in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), with each glucose unit possessing a maximum of three hydroxyls that can undergo chemical substitution. Acid-treated starch (INS 1401) is a modified […]

Dextrin Roasted Starch (INS 1400): Properties, Uses, and Regulations

Starch is a complex carbohydrate made up of many glucose units linked together by alpha 1-4 glucosidic bonds. It exists in two forms: linear (amylose) and branched (amylopectin), where the latter is formed by alpha 1-6 glucosidic bonds. Each glucose unit in starch has three hydroxyl groups that can undergo chemical modification. Dextrin roasted starch […]

Modified Starches and the Chemical Treatments of Native Starches

Starch is a complex carbohydrate that is composed of two main polysaccharides, amylose and/or amylopectin. These polysaccharides contain various amounts of naturally bound phosphate esters and counter ions. Amylose is a predominantly linear molecule of α-D-glucopyranosyl units linked by (1-4)-α-linkages. Amylopectin is a highly-branched polymer of α-D-glucopyranosyl units linked by (1-4)-α-linkages and by (1-6)-α-linkages that […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Emulsification and Encapsulation-Beverages Products

Emulsifying starches allow food scientists to use starch as an ingredient to create a noncontinuous phase with a matrix of water, lipid, and starch. They are different from traditional modified starches (like octenyl succinate) which are primarily used as water binders or stabilizers. To maintain water-phase stability in the product, an additional starch or gum […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch in Fat Replacement, Substitution, or Mimetics

In the 1980s, the inclusion of “bran” or “fiber” in foods was a key topic. In the 1990s, the reformulation of foods to reduce the content of fat became a strong market driver. Along with that came the need for specific ingredients to replace the fat (lipid) in several food systems. Substitution or the mimicking […]

Decoding Starch in Dairy: A Closer Look at Ingredients and Applications

Dairy Foods vs. Dairy-Related Products In the realm of dairy, understanding the distinction between “dairy foods” and “dairy-related products” is crucial. The former comprises foods with a substantial (>50%) dairy ingredient content or those meeting specific criteria, while the latter, though found in the dairy section, doesn’t align with standard identity criteria. Starch’s Role in […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Confections (Candy) Products

When considering confections (candy) as the products category, the food scientist should review the different confections being marketed today. Confections are generally listed in one of three categories: Soft candies are those products similar to chocolate-based or flavor-coated products (i.e., circus peanuts) that may or may not be chewable. Gummy (chewable) type candies are gum […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Cereals, Pasta, Bars, and Related Products

Cereals today are predominately whole grains, with or without added starches, sweeteners, and other nutritional additives. Many cereals depend on the expansion capability of the flour(s) to develop and maintain the texture and eating quality for the finished product being produced. Referring back to the sections pertaining to “extrusion” and “instant starches,” we can relate […]

The Crucial Role of Starch in Enhancing Meat Products: A Regulatory Perspective

Starch, a versatile ingredient, has earned global approval for its use in various meat and analog products. Both standardized and nonstandard meat products now benefit from the application of starch and related products, providing improvements in storage, processing, and overall quality. In the United States, the utilization of starch (native or modified) in meat products […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Pet Products

Do not be blinded by the word “pet” when deciding product choices. Pet foods undergo as many regulatory issues and processing parameters as do food products for human consumption. There are a few ingredients utilized within pet foods that we do not use in human food products. The care of formulation and product safety, as […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Bakery Products

In this article, we will discuss bakery systems typical for baked food products recognized by the consumer today. Those previously mentioned as “half-products” were unique to that discussion and will not be included in this section. Products will be considered totally processed utilizing a bakery operation. In most bakery products the primary starch source is […]

Navigating Starch Selection: A Culinary Odyssey in Dressings, Sauces, and Gravies

Embarking on the creation of culinary masterpieces such as dressings, sauces, and gravies requires more than just a flair for flavor; it demands a profound understanding of starches and their dynamic role in the world of high-water-content products. As we delve into the intricate dance between starches and these delectable concoctions, the artistry of food […]

Using The Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Snack Foods

Both native and chemically modified starches are and have been commonly utilized in snack products. Their use has been for expansion, adhesion, texture, and color generation. In recent years, physically modified flours have been introduced into this snack industry. They offer some properties of chemically modified; however, they are label-friendly (flour). Puffed (Extruded-Baked) Common maize, […]

Using The Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Instant Products (Soups, Sauces, and Gravies)

Most instant foods are sold as dry mixes. These mixes thus require the consumer to prepare by reconstitution. Usually this involves water or other basic liquids commonly sold, i.e., juices, milk, broth. The reconstitution could require the use of heat. The commercial process to manufacture these dry mixes usually involves the blending of several ingredients […]

Mastering the Art of Freezing: The Role of Modified Starch in Preserving Quality Food

As the demand for prolonged shelf-life and the preservation of food quality intensifies, freezing has emerged as a formidable method in the food industry. Offering over a year of stability for various food systems, freezing maintains high quality, often rivaling that of fresh produce. However, the intricate science behind freezing involves more than just lowering […]

Using the Functional Properties of Starch to Enhance Thermal Processing (Canned-Jarred, Retorted-SterilizedHot Filled)

In thermal food processing methods like canning, jarring, retorting, and heat sterilization, selecting the right starch is vital. A food technologist may suggest using modified starch with specific properties to enhance stability and consistency. When choosing a starch, several factors come into play, such as flavor, shelf life, and appearance. Generally, modified common or waxy […]

Unlocking the Secrets to Successful Food Formulation: Key Considerations in Starch-Based Product Development

Creating a successful food product involves a nuanced understanding of various processes and their impact on starch selection. To delve deeper into this intricate world, it is crucial to explore the multifaceted contributions, both positive and negative, of different processes to the overall system. Several factors have been identified as critical to the production of […]

E Number and INS Number of Modified Starches and Their Functions

The chemically modified starches are regulated globally by various organizations; hence, different regulations are applied depending on the extent of chemical modification, the function in food products, and the country of origin. The chemically modified starch is designated as food additive and is required to label the name of additive as “food starch-modified” on the […]

The Functional Properties of Starch

The functional attributes of starch pertain to its unique characteristics that enable it to perform specific roles in food products. These properties encompass: Gelation Starch has the ability to form a gel when combined with water and heated, imparting thickness and stability to food products. Gelation properties refer to starch’s capacity to create a three-dimensional […]

Modified Tapioca Starch in the World of Dairy Desserts

When it comes to crafting enchanting dairy desserts, the secret lies in the alchemical properties of modified tapioca starch. This mystical ingredient works its magic, weaving a tapestry of perfect textures, enhanced viscosity, and unfaltering freeze-thaw stability. Unlocking the Benefits: Modified Tapioca Starch for Dairy Desserts As we navigate the intricate landscape of dairy dessert […]

The Role of Modified Tapioca Starch in Mochi Production

The desired texture for this oriental dessert is characterized by its chewy and elastic nature, achieved by using Mochi dough to create an unforgettable experience for your customers. Benefits of Modified Tapioca Starch for Mochi Production Modified tapioca starches play a crucial role in delivering the finest-textured Mochi. They ensure extended freeze-thaw stability, preserving the […]

Uses of Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate (E1450) in Food Products

Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate (E1450) plays a crucial role in various food products, such as mayonnaise, baking, bread, chai tea, cheese, drinks, gluten-free items, juices, milk, sauces, seasonings, soups, and yogurts. What is Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate (E1450)? Starch Sodium Octenyl Succinate (E1450) is a modified starch obtained through a specific process. It involves esterifying […]

Uses of Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate (E1442) in Food Products

Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate (E1442) is a versatile food additive widely embraced in the food industry for its diverse applications. It plays a pivotal role in the production of sauces, gravies, fruit pie fillings, dairy products, canned goods, and frozen items. What is Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate (E1442)? Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate (E1442) is a modified starch crafted […]

Oxidized Starch (E1404) in the Food Industry

Oxidized Starch (E1404) stands as a pivotal ingredient in the food industry, contributing its versatile properties to an extensive array of products. From enhancing sauces and dressings to providing structure in bakery items, its influence is widespread. Understanding Oxidized Starch (E1404) Derived through a meticulous process adhering to good manufacturing practices (GMP), Oxidized Starch undergoes […]

Uses of Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E1422) in Food Products

Acetylated Distarch Adipate (E1422) is a culinary marvel, playing a pivotal role in the food industry. From adding viscosity to enhancing stability, it is a versatile ingredient found in an array of products. Let’s delve into its production, functional uses, key characteristics, and the delightful benefits it brings to various food applications. Production Process This […]

Starch Acetate (E1420) in the Food Industry

Acetylated Starch (E1420) plays a significant role in the food industry, finding applications in a wide range of products, including instant noodles, frozen fruit pies, confectionery fillings, baked goods, sauces, soups, powdered concentrates, flavored yogurts, and more. What is Starch Acetate (E1420)? Starch acetate is a modified starch obtained through esterification with acetic anhydride or […]

Understanding Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414) in Food Industry

Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414) is a versatile ingredient that plays a crucial role in the food industry, offering a wide range of applications owing to its unique functional properties. It contributes to the quality and visual appeal of numerous food items by enhancing texture, consistency, and stability. What is Acetylated Distarch Phosphate (E1414)? Acetylated Distarch […]

A Comprehensive Guide to the Uses of Distarch Phosphate (E1412) in the Food Industry

Distarch Phosphate (E1412) is a versatile and widely used ingredient in the food industry, making its way into various food products, from sauces and soups to noodles, cheese, canned meats, and confectioneries. What is Distarch Phosphate (E1412)? Distarch phosphate (INS 1412) is produced through the cross-linking of starch using sodium trimetaphosphate or phosphorus oxychloride. This […]

Guide to Finding Tapioca Starch Manufacturers in Indonesia

Indonesia takes the global stage as the world’s third-largest tapioca starch producer, making it a vital source for your tapioca starch requirements. When seeking tapioca starch suppliers, Indonesia stands out as a key player. To navigate the Indonesian tapioca industry effectively, it’s essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the cassava and tapioca starch sector, […]