Tapioca Starch and Cassava Flour: What are the Differences

Tapioca starch and cassava flour are both derived from the cassava root, but they are processed differently and have different characteristics. Here are some of the main differences: Name Tapioca starch and cassava flour are both made from cassava, but they are different products with different properties and uses. The terms “tapioca” and “cassava” are […]

Gluten-free Flour: When and Why to Use?

Gluten-free flour is a type of flour that does not contain gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and some other grains. Gluten-free flours are typically made from grains and other ingredients that do not contain gluten, such as rice, corn, potato, almond, coconut, or chickpea flour. Some common types of gluten-free […]

Unveiling the Flour Processing Tapestry: Methods and Nuances

Flour, a culinary cornerstone, undergoes a series of meticulous processing methods to yield diverse types, each bearing distinct characteristics. From traditional milling to modern techniques, the flour processing journey shapes its texture, nutritional profile, and application in the culinary realm. Here, we delve into common flour processing methods, unraveling the intricate tapestry that transforms grains […]

What are the differences between starch and flour?

Starch and flour are both derived from grains, but they have some important differences. Starch is a carbohydrate that is extracted from grains, such as corn, wheat, and potatoes. It is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that is often used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking. Starch has a higher concentration of […]

Establishing and operating a Cassava flour plant on the Atlantic coast of Colombia

CIAT has developed a strategy to design and implement cassava projects, integrating aspects of the crop’s production, processing, and commercialization in northern Colombia. Within this framework, three phases of development can be distinguished: (1) Research: developing technology for cassava processing, and studying in detail the technology’s market opportunities, both on a national and regional basis. […]

The influence of variety and processing on the physicochemical and functional properties of Cassava starch and flour

The influence of certain processing conditions on the quality, functional properties, and product potential of flour made from three cassava cultivars are being evaluated as part of a project (DGXII) funded by the European Union (EU). The collaborators in this project are the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE), Colombia; CIRAD-SAR, France; the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), […]

Implementing technological innovations in Cassava flour and starch processing: a case study in Ecuador

Before 1985, the only cassava processing technology known in Ecuador was mechanical rasping and hand-sieving to extract starch from the roots. Since then, new technologies have been introduced, and existing ones improved, to increase processing efficiency and open new markets for both cassava starch and flour. These new technologies include chipping, drying, and grinding cassava […]