Glucose syrups can be spray dried to produce a soluble white amorphous powder which can be a more convenient form to handle than a thick syrup. In European convention up to 20 DE glucose syrups are referred to as maltodextrins and above 20 DE as glucose syrup solids or dried glucose syrup, which is obviously […]
Coffee whiteners are not imitation creams. They are formulated systems similar to the natural dairy product, with the advantages of lower cost, longer shelf life, and excellent mouthfeel and physical properties. Properly manufactured coffee whiteners combine five basic components: vegetable or animal fat, protein, carbohydrate, stabilizer-emulsifier, and water in a stable product with a delicate […]
Cakes and biscuits Tests have shown that the partial replacement of sugar by glucose syrup yields several advantages in baked goods. The keeping quality is improved and there is a slight increase in cake volume. The use of high DE glucose syrup is particularly advantageous in high ratio formulations where the high level of sugar […]
Ice cream In general terms, ice cream may be defined as an emulsion of fat, sugar, and milk solids non-fat which has been simultaneously whipped and frozen. Unless the product is described as ‘dairy ice cream’ the fat need not necessarily be of dairy origin, i.e. butter or cream. The legal standards of composition are […]
Preserves are a food commodity that requires and uses large quantities of sugar and glucose syrup. During the manufacturing, process fruit is boiled with the sugars to a solids content which will give stability to microbiological spoilage, and to the state where provided other factors such as pH are correct the sugar-acid-pectin system forms a […]
Toffees, caramel, and fudge In this type of product, the use of dextrose will yield a color-forming effect, coupled with an increase in flavor. A side effect of using dextrose in compound formulations is that the viscosity of the cooked toffee in the dipping pots is stabilized, thereby reducing waste caused by the material becoming […]
Dextrose is a natural sweetener much valued as an ingredient in confectionery applications. It can be easily handled, weighed, mixed, and dissolved. However, dextrose is much more than an ‘alternative’ sweetener, due to its functional properties. Sweetness In an arbitrary scale of sweetness where sucrose is given a value of 100, dextrose is rated at […]
High boiled sweets To produce high boiled sweets with a satisfactory shelf life the final product must contain a minimum amount of residual moisture and the correct balance between sucrose and the glucose syrup/invert sugar components. To achieve this, sucrose and glucose syrup/invert sugar solutions are heated and boiled down to a set solids or […]