Pakistan’s Tapioca Starch Trade: Export and Import Trends

Pakistan’s involvement in the tapioca starch trade demonstrates its position as both an exporter and an importer. As an exporter, Pakistan secured a notable standing in the global market, with significant exports directed to Switzerland, the United States, and Canada. Concurrently, Pakistan’s import volumes for tapioca starch witnessed substantial growth, primarily driven by imports from Vietnam, along with a smaller portion sourced from Thailand.


In 2021, Pakistan made its mark as an exporter of tapioca starch, with exports amounting to $103k. This positioned Pakistan as the 42nd largest exporter of tapioca starch worldwide. Tapioca starch itself ranked as the 1928th most exported product from Pakistan during the same year, showcasing its relative significance within the country’s export landscape.

Switzerland emerged as the primary destination for Pakistan’s tapioca starch exports, importing goods valued at $46k. Following Switzerland were the United States ($18k), Canada ($15.7k), Germany ($12.5k), and Australia ($10.9k). Notably, between 2020 and 2021, Switzerland experienced substantial growth as an export market for Pakistan, with an increase of $29.1k. The United States and Canada also showcased notable expansion, with export values rising by $18k and $15.7k, respectively.

ContinentCountryTrade Value
North AmericaCanada15,694
North AmericaUnited States17,991
Table: Where Does Pakistan Export Its Tapioca Starch (2021)


In 2021, Pakistan emerged as the 23rd largest importer of tapioca starch globally, importing a total of $3.4M worth of the product. Tapioca starch ranked as the 1472nd most imported product in Pakistan, highlighting its significance within the country’s import market. Pakistan primarily sourced tapioca starch from Vietnam, with imports amounting to $2.43M. Thailand followed closely, with imports valued at $973k.

Pakistan's Tapioca Starch Imports

Between 2020 and 2021, Pakistan witnessed remarkable growth in its import market for tapioca starch, driven primarily by imports from Vietnam. Import volumes from Vietnam experienced a substantial increase, rising by $1.76M, indicating Pakistan’s growing demand for this key supplier’s product.

ContinentCountryTrade Value
Table: Where Does Pakistan Import Its Tapioca Starch (2021)

Importing Tapioca Starch from Vietnam: A Reliable Partnership

Vietnam has emerged as a prominent supplier of tapioca starch to the Pakistan market. In 2021, the total value of tapioca starch imports from Vietnam amounted to an impressive $2,428,010. This significant figure indicates that Vietnam’s tapioca starch holds a strong position in the market and is poised to maintain its presence in Pakistan in the years to come. The reasons behind this sustained importation are primarily attributed to the product’s superior quality and competitive pricing.

Pakistan benefits from Vietnam’s tapioca starch exports, which provide a dependable supply of this vital ingredient. The substantial import value from Vietnam underscores Pakistan’s confidence in Vietnam as a trusted and preferred partner for fulfilling its tapioca starch requirements. With its consistent quality and competitive pricing, Vietnam’s tapioca starch has proven to be a reliable source that meets Pakistan’s demand for this essential product.


In 2018, Pakistan maintained an average tariff of 15.6% on tapioca starch. Notably, Pakistan’s import tariffs on tapioca starch were lower compared to other countries. Among the nations with the highest import tariffs for tapioca starch were Angola, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Botswana, each imposing a Most Favoured Nation duty rate treatment of 16%.

Source: BACI and General Statistics Office of Vietnam